We protect your privacy
We understand how important a person’s privacy is, that is why we do everything to protect it.
We do not cache your search history
We do not create your personal profiles according to your search history. In fact, we classify all the search queries.
We do not sell your data to advertisers
Many web services collect user data to further sell it without your consent. We do not sell your data or your search queries to advertising companies.
Your search queries are coded
Your search queries are securely coded from possible eavesdropper. Thus, we guarantee no one can see your search queries.
We do not track your geolocation
Most web-sites use internal tracking tools to optimize their services. We do not use such third-party trackers and prevent others from accessing your search queries.
Any questions left?
Personal data
Personal data means to us any information that identifies you, e.g. your name or e-mail. Any information beyond is considered not personal data. In case we keep your personal data along with data that is not regarded as personal, all these relates to personal data. In case all the personal information is deleted from the data set, the part left is not associated with personal information.
We review your data when:
- - you share it with us directly (e.g. if you send us crash reports);
- - we automatically collect it via our Products and Services (e.g. when we check if your InvoltaGo has been expired);
- - somebody else shares your data with us;
- - when we want to learn more about you based on the information you shared with us (e.g. when we use your IP address to set up a language for some of our services).
When you share your personal data with us, we use it only in ways that you accepted. As a rule, your information is used to provide you with our products and services along with their improvement.
When do we hand over your data to third parties?
If we receive permission from you to do so.
Sometimes we disclose information as we aim to improve our products and develop open Internet. Yet, we delete your personal data and disclose the info in such a way that risks of identifying you would be minimal.
When it is legally required.
We comply with the law when we get requests from authorities or due to a court case. We will inform you in case we get requests on handing over your personal data, only when it is not against the law. When we get such requests, we disclose your personal data in case we have a fair off erth at the law requests to do so. No condition of the current policy is intended to limit any legal protection measures or legal objections that you might have for requesting a third party to disclose your data. When we suppose it is necessary for preventing harming you or others. We hand over your data only in case we have a good faith believe that this is a reasonable need to protect your rights, property or safety, as well as property and safety of our other users. In case of change of our institutional framework or status we can hand over your data to a successor or affiliate.
Keeping and protection of personal data
We strive to protect your personal data when we obtain it. We take physical, business and technical security measures. If despite of our efforts we discover flaws in our security system, we will inform you so that you could take appropriate protective measures. Besides, we are not going to cache your personal data longer than needed. When we no longer need your personal data, we will take measures to eliminate it unless the law demands that we should keep it further.
What about cookies?
What cookies are and why InvoltaGo uses them
Cookies are small text files hosted on a device that you use to access Web-sites. They contain information that is collected from your device and sent back to Web-sites on every subsequent visit to remind you about your actions and preferences later. Web-sites use the following cookies: strictly necessary cookies/technical cookies: these cookies are necessary for Web-sites work and providing you with Services; besides, they let InvoltaGo identify your hardware and software including your browser type; statistics/analytics cookies: these cookies let identify users, count its number and collect such data as operations produced on Web-sites and Services including data on visited web-sites and content that you obtain; technical cookies: these cookies collect data on how users work with Web-sites and/or Services that allows identify errors and test new features to increase Web-sites and Services performance; functional cookies: these cookies ensure particular features to ease use of Web-sites, e.g., by caching your preferences (such as language and location); third-party cookies/advertising cookies: these cookies collect data on users, traffic sources, pages visited and ads displayed for you and the ones you followed to access page advertised. They allow displaying ads that might interest you based on Personal data analysis collected on you. They are also used for statistical and research purposes.
How long cookies are stored on your device
InvoltaGo uses data contained in cookies only for the above purposes. After that, collected data will be stored on your device for a period that might depend on relevant cookies but without exceeding the time needed to achieve their purpose. The data will later be automatically deleted from your system.
Who else has access to data contained in cookies
Personal data collected through cookies and hosted on your device may be passed on and available for InvoltaGo and/or third parties mentioned in the Policy. Using Personal data beyond Web-sites for ad purposes (if any) might be the subject of separate terms and conditions available on third parties’ web-sites. InvoltaGo and/or third parties can also offer you to refuse ad personalization that might be a subject to legislation and regulations applied to such products and apps. On the first Web-sites visit, your consent to use cookies might be requested. In case you want to change your mind after approving cookies use, you can do it by deleting cookies stored in your browser (normally, you can do it in the browser settings: please contact your browser guidance or its developer’s web-site). After that, another popup window requesting your consent might appear and you can make a different choice. If you refuse using cookies, it might result in some Web-sites features become unavailable for you and affect your ability to use Web-sites. You can also adjust your browser settings to accept and refuse all cookies or cookies from particular web-sites by default.
Additional information
We are a global organization having our computers located in several different places globally. We use service providers whose computers might be located in different countries. It means that your data might appear on one of these computers in another country, while that country might adopt data protection rules and regulations different from the ones adopted in your country. If you provide us with your data, you agree to such data handover. Regardless of the country where your data is located, we follow the applicable law and carry out the obligations adopted in the current Privacy Policy. If you are under 13, we do not need your personal data and you do not have to hand it over to us.
Reasons for changing Privacy Policy
Perhaps, we will need to change this policy and notifications. All updates will be posted on the Internet. If changes are significant, we will announce such updates via the usual InvoltaGo channels, such as blog posts and forums. Further use of the product or service after the day the changes have been taken effect implies your consent with such changes. For convenience the date of entry into force will appear at the top of the page.
Involta is not responsible for website content with search results. To learn more, read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service